Friday, February 25, 2011

The Pursuit-Part V by Leslie Wood

My lovely blog world – It’s good to reconnect! I don’t know about you but I’ve enjoyed reading the different posts on here over the past few weeks! I’ve known for a month that this blog post was coming but I couldn’t decide on what I wanted to write about. There are so many things I could write about, but at the end of the day, I don’t think you want to read about the ridiculous situations I get myself into (like writing this blog!). I want you to want to read what’s hear so I’ve been going back and forth for the past 4 weeks on what I should write.

I thought I’d write about the Saturday morning my quad-mates set off the fire alarm at 7:45am, waking me up and sending me into “RA” mode grabbing my sub-mast key only rush out and find them cooking bacon on the stove. Yea, I wasn’t too happy about that either. After thinking that one through, I didn’t think it’d make the best blog story – so I kept thinking…

I then realize that we’re in the final week of February, which means we only have one more week to celebrate LOVE! This is the time of year the stores are filled with everything you could ever want red and pink hearts on, the stores have more bouquets of flowers than they know what to do with, the little valentines that you used to send in elementary school (okay, we all know we still did it throughout middle and high school as well) miraculously show up on your doors from your prayer leader, and everywhere you look it seems that couples are getting together.  It’s normal around Liberty to hear girls say their valentine is God, but let’s get real, that’s just a cover up because they want to salvage as much of their pride as possible on the sappiest day of the year. It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone is looking for a valentine this time of year.

For me, Valentines Day was a normal day of classes. I received a package from my parents (who were my valentines this year) with an awesome journal and truffles! I did a little homework, and then the task of figuring out what was for dinner was before me. Should I go to the rot? Fight the crowds and go out with friends? Stay in and cook by myself? After weighing the options, I decided to go to Doc’s with a good friend for a quick, low-key meal because no one would be at Doc’s on Valentines Day – right?!? Wrong! I should have known that plan was a fail when I walked into Doc’s and hardly recognized the place. There were red and white table linens everywhere, bouquets of roses for you to buy, live music from a local band comprised of 60 year old men, and plates of food I had no idea Doc’s even served. I told the hostess there were two of us, and she quickly asked for the name my reservation was under. I didn’t realize I needed a reservation at Doc’s on Valentines Day so I told her I didn’t have one…bad idea because she told me she didn’t have any tables available that night for party’s with no reservation. Are you kidding me?!?! This is Doc’s…and it’s on Valentines night…surely you have made a mistake ma’m. Well, it wasn’t a mistake and it looked like I was out of luck for dinner. As we were leaving, they told us they did have one table and they could sit us at it immediately – oh joy! We made our way to the table to find a candlelit table setting with chocolate hearts sprinkled around. From the excellent service, to the photographer that went table to table taking pictures of people – this dinner was over the top. This unexpected dinner at Doc’s was definitely the best and funniest part of my day!

With Valentines Day being last week, and spring being just around the corner which means only one thing…this campus will soon be bombarded with little sparkly things flashing around on left hands. “Ring by Spring” is a term used frequently around Liberty and it’s a mindset that can so quickly poison the hearts and minds of the young women on this campus. It’s a mindset that can so quickly steal away contentment and make girls want something they are not yet ready for. I’ve seen it happen time and time again….people get together during the first few weeks of being here at Liberty…break up during Spiritual Emphasis Week and then somehow find each other again by spring semester hoping to rekindle the love (or infatuation) they felt when they first were together. I think we can all agree that while this is something we joke about it all the time, it still does happen. The mindset that you must find someone while you are here at Liberty can be such a big distractions and even with good intentions, can turn into an idol.

Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not writing this because I’m bitter and unhappy that I’m a senior and I’m not leaving Liberty with a guy – it just saddens me that so many of the students here focus so much of their time and energy on finding “the right one” when they should be focusing on who they are becoming in Christ and what He is calling them to do in their lives. I’ve realized through several conversations I’ve had these past weeks that it’s easy for students here to over spiritualize their desire to find someone by saturating their prayer life with informing God their desire to find that special someone. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think it’s bad to ask God for that. I think it’s absolutely necessary to express to God your desires but I’ve seen too many times that students focus more on what they want from God and not what God has for them at this moment in their life.

One of the definitions of an idol is, “any person or thing that is regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion.” So many times I see girls (and I’m sure guys do this too) focus all their attention and devotion to finding THE ONE, that is becomes and idol in their life. When this happens they easily lose focus on the other things that God could be doing in their lives as a single. I wonder what would happen if we became a student body who pursued God with the same intensity as the students on this campus pursue relationships. What could he do through our lives?

Please hear my heart, I’m not bashing relationships or marriage. I’m all for marriage, and I hope one day that I’ll have the opportunity to be married, but I believe this time in our lives is such a great time to focus on God and finding contentment in Him and Him alone. Relationships are good, just in God’s timing.

Well, that was a quite a long post. I’m sure February is practically over now that you have finished reading this…I’m longwinded sometimes. Sorry! Anyway, I figured I’d leave you with one more story from this past weekend.

Thomas Road hosted the Love 4 Life Conference this weekend for couples and the one and only Dave Barnes had a mini concert after lunch. I wanted to go because I absolutely love Dave Barnes but I didn’t want to pay the $19 price tag on the conference. I talked with a few friends and we schemed on how we could sneak into the conference just to see Dave. Well, we snuck in during a break and got to hear Dave sound checking. We made sure we had seats close to the front so we could get some good pictures (I know…we’re girls). Dave finally came on stage, sang several songs, and melted all our hearts! I laugh thinking back now because it was obvious that we were only there for Dave.  After he sung, the 6 girls I was with all got up and left…I’m sure the older couples there were rolling their eyes at our youthfulness. Oh well, it made for a fun memory!

Have a good rest of the week – we’re 10 class days away from spring break! You can do it!

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